Monday, November 5, 2012

Final election 2012 Predictions (Presidential)

I could wait till tommorow morning to do this, but based on the polling and analysis that I have read this weekend I am going to do my projections now. 

It says here that President Obama will be re-elected 50-48% in the national popular vote.  I also belive that Libretarian candidate Gary Johnson will get 1% of the national popular vote.

A few of these states are extremley close and are "best guesses" based on the polling numbers and statisitcal models.  My final predictions in the electoral college are Obama 290 ev's and Romney 248 ev's. President Obama will win re-election by a margin similar to President Bush in 2004.

States Obama will carry: WA, OR, CA, NV, CO, NM, HI, MN, IA, WI, MI, IL, OH, PA, ME, NH, VT, MA, MD, RI, DE, CT, NJ, DC, NY.

States Romney will carry: AK, ID, WY, UT, AZ, ND, SD, NE, OK, TX, MO, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, KY, TN, IN, WV, FL, NC, VA, MT, KS.

The closest states will be CO, NH, VA. possiblyy FL although Romney maintains a slim edge there.  NH goes to Obama based on a small but steady lead of 2 pts.  CO and VA are coin flips.  I could see Obama winning both, but based on the polling in CO which has trended Obama I give that state to him.  VA is the toughest to call.  Obama has been ahead in late polling but short of 50% so I am going with the state's slight reddish lean and call it for Romney.  New Hampshire very tight, but based on the states voting history and slight Democratc lean I will call that for Obama.  Here is a link to how I think the electoral map will shape up come Nov 6th.

Obama is going to win he could get as many as 332 ev's and as few as 277, I split the difference.

Not matter what your political leaning get out and vote tommorow!