Friday, March 8, 2013

Overcoming Ruminations and Negative Thoughts (February/March Edition)

    As most of the readers of my blog know, I am on a life long quest to better myself, learn and grow.  The past 3 to 4 weeks has presented me with a new challenge.  That challenge is not to allow the snow and fairly gloomy weather that we have had to affect my mood and actions.  What adds to the challenge is that like many people I suffer from a mild case of Seasonal Affective Disorder.  To help combat this. my lovely wife bought me a natural light lamp to help me.  I have found that this lamp has increased my alertness during the day and I feel that I have more energy.  It was very helpful in December and January. 

    In the month of February, however we received a lot of snow and cloudy days.  I could feel a case of cabin fever coming on.  Charlie and I embarked upon a 4 day trip to New Orleans.  We got to see the French Quarter, Bourbon Street, the Ninth Ward and the Superdome.  I had a great time and my case of cabin fever eased a lot.  The past few weeks though I allowed it to come back with a vengeance.  I allowed the weather to "steal" some of my joy.  Instead of finding ways to get outside and enjoy the weather, I allowed myself to sit inside and feel cooped up.  I could feel frustration setting in. 

    So, last night my wife and I decided to do something about it.  We went and bought a couple of sleds, found a good hill and went sledding.  Just being outside and doing something different and fun was like a shot of endorphins.  Even driving around an area that we had not been before and exploring was great.  The sense of adventure that I was feeling enabled me to relax and enjoy the moment.  I am so grateful to my lovely wife for being who she is and always pushing to try new and different things.

    Part of my improving myself and growing as a person is to not let things steal my joy or dictate how I feel about or react to something.  Much of this past month I have failed at that.  But I am going to look at this as part of a larger learning process.  God put me in this situation to test me and to see how emotionally I dealt with this.  I may have tripped myself up and lost my initiative.  But I have learned a lesson, if I am feeling a certain way and don't like it there are two things I can do.  Try to do something to change it, or failing that change my attitude and find the joy in a situation.  This time of the year it is just more of a challenge for me to stay optimistic.  But with the support and guidance of the Lord and my family and friends I know that I will continue to grow.

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